
Connected: ACU and the iPhone

ACU has been working closely and intensively with Apple since the release of the iPhone to explore its uses in Higher Education. ACU hosts a blog on the topic, iThinkEd, which I've contributed to.

Just this week ACU released a concept film, envisioning a variety of potential uses for the iPhone, both in the classroom and outside it.

For readers interested in the iPhone, getting a look at ACU's campus, or getting a look at me, you can link to the movie Connected at the ACU website.

My Oscar-worthy performance comes just past the halfway point of the film. I play the part I was born to play: A psychology professor.


  1. irony: iThinkEd looks terrible on the iPhone.

  2. Richard, you are the best actor on that movie. You seem very natural in front of the camera.

    I could have said "You seem very natural acting from a script" or "faking it." ;)
