
In Search of an Authentic Faith

My appreciation to Kyle Roberts writing over at the Cultivare blog for reviewing my book The Authenticity of Faith and putting some of its ideas to good use.

The start of Kyle's review:
In Richard Beck’s recent book, The Authenticity of Faith, he considers whether a truly authentic faith is possible. Freud had dealt a heavy blow to Christianity by offering up scientific explanations for what motivates religious belief. Believers are drawn to religion because it functions to repress our existential anxieties. Afraid of death? Don’t worry, there’s an afterlife. Need some meaning and purpose for your life? Christianity gives you plenty (God loves you and has a wonderful plan…). Feel insignificant in this big bad world? You are one of the elect! Struggling with the problem of evil and suffering? God’s in control and has a plan for everything. Christianity (and other religions too) helps you repress your fears and deal with your anxieties. That, said Freud, is the reason for religious belief.
Read the rest of Kyle's review here

As for putting the ideas of the book to good use, Kyle wrote a fascinating post about the Olympics as existential narcotic.


  1. Just now downloaded to my Kindle and here we go!

  2. Hello Richard,
    I'm not sure if this blog is still open, but thought I'd pose a question for readers.
    One of the concepts I struggle with regarding religious people, is described succinctly in "Authenticity" in that when life is good, meaningful, coherent, etc, God is credited with causing it. However, when life is not going well, is difficult, incoherent, etc, God is often blamed, at least for allowing it to be so. Why is it rarely the case that "religious people" hold themselves responsible for the moral asymmetry in society?
