
Living in a World Without Strangers: EMU Chapel Talk

I had a wonderful time on Friday being on the campus of Eastern Mennonite University. I gave a lecture as a part of the Suter Science Seminar series, speaking about my book Unclean. Thanks so much to EMU and my kind host Tara Kishbaugh for the invitation and wonderful experience on campus.

Friday morning, before my afternoon lecture, I spoke in the EMU chapel. The podcast can be found here if you'd like to listen in.

A programming note: the first part of the talk is my reading a parable--"Hospitality for a Demon" (and doing the demon voice!)--from Peter Rollins's wonderful collection of provocative parables The Orthodox Heretic.


  1. It was great to hear you in both settings at EMU on Friday. Enjoying reading "Unclean" now.

    Loren Swartzendruber, president

  2. I left work an hour early and drove over from Charlottesville to hear your lecture, Richard. It was well worth it. Also a pleasure to experience the warm hospitality of EMU. Thank you.

  3. Thanks Loren. You've got a wonderful team there at EMU, and some wonderful students.

  4. Vickie, I'm honored. I always worry about disappointing people. So glad you enjoyed it.

  5. Look at you with a deer. Like father, like son. 

  6. "The circle is now complete. When he left I was but a learner. Now I am the master."
                                                                                                                               Darth Vader
