
Unpublished: The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan (1885) by the Swiss painter Ferdinand Hodler:
--an unpublished post sharing a painting I found particularly moving


  1. johnfrancis, a discipleSaturday, May 09, 2015

    Count me in. To cherish the lost, the naked, those who hunger or need; I have immediate desire to help. Offering-up a heartfelt prayer is first thought. Regarding need, I have no enemy.
    I see this is philosophical, for I am moody and must first come into GOD's presence. I must seek God's rightness & not my own.
    I could Rapp on,on, but I have said enough.

  2. The impression I got growing up was that if we came upon a similar situation, we should go over to the person, arouse him out of his unconsciousness, and say,"Fellow, you need to go home and read Philippians 4:13. That will do you a world of good."
