
To the Girl With the Rainbow Stairs

Grace comes to us
in little things.
Even as we dream and struggle
for each other
and the sky and the water and the air.
Hoping, fighting
for all things to be healed and whole.
Grace comes to us
in the colors and the laughter
in the bread broken and the wine
and our voices joined and chanting.
Grace comes to us
in little things.
In the pinch of sunlight on the skin
and the wind soon to be blowing through your hair.
Grace does come.
Even in the ache of leaving.
That too is grace.
For it is the pain of joy,
and happiness,
and love.


  1. Richard, as always, your poetry strikes the heart. I enjoy it dearly. I pray that you do not mind that I read and see these verses in light of the momentous decision of the Supreme Court for our LGBT brothers and sisters.

    I see the grace in the dream, the struggle, the fighting, yet in their hope and healing. The bread broken and the wine sing to me of the day when Christians take their hands and welcome them with love. The pinch of sunlight on the skin and the wind blowing through the hair speaks to me of the fresh air of peace they have longed for for so long. And last of all, the ache of leaving, also being of grace, whispers to me of those of us who have left hard, unloving attitudes behind, in awe that we have come this far, thanking God that we have been allowed to live to see these days of change for others and in ourselves.

  2. Thank you, Richard.
    I'm learning this.
