
Brief Vita for Richard Beck

Educational Background
Ph.D., Experimental Psychology. Southern Methodist University (1997).
M.S., Clinical Psychology. Abilene Christian University (1992).
B.S., Christian Ministry. Abilene Christian University (1989).

Beck, R. (2011). Unclean: Meditations on Purity, Hospitality, and Mortality. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books. (Amazon link here).

Beck, R. (2012). The Authenticity of Faith: The Varieties and Illusions of Religious Experience. Abilene, TX: ACU Press. (Amazon link here).

Beck, R. (2013). The Slavery of Death. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books. (Amazon link here).

Book Chapters
Beck, R. (2012). On Fear and Following. In And the Criminals with Him: Essays in Honor of Will D. Campbell and All the Reconciled (Eds. Richard Goode & Will Campbell). Eugene, OR: Cascade Books.

Beck, R. & Haugen, A.D. (2013). The Christian Religion: A Theological and Psychological Review. In APA Handbook of Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality, Vol. 1 (Ed. Kenneth I. Pargament). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Research Publications
Clinical Psychology:
Beck, R., & Fernandez, E. (1998). Cognitive-behavioral treatment of anger: A Meta-analysis. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 22, 63-74.

Beck, R., & Fernandez, E. (1998). Cognitive-behavioral self-regulation of anger. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 20, 217-229.

Beck, R. & Perkins, T.S. (2001). Cognitive content-specificity for anxiety and depression: A meta-analysis. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 25, 651-663.

Beck, R., Perkins, T.S., Holder, R., Robbins, M., Gray, M., & Allison, S. (2001). The cognitive and emotional phenomenology of depression and anxiety: Are worry and hopelessness the cognitive correlates of NA and PA? Cognitive Therapy and Research, 25, 829-838.

Frenandez, E. & Beck, R. (2001). Cognitive-behavioral self-intervention versus self-monitoring of anger: Effects on anger frequency, duration, and intensity. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29, 345-356.

Beck, R., Robbins, M., Taylor, C., & Baker, L. (2001) An examination of sociotropy and excessive reassurance seeking in the prediction of depression. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 23, 101-105.

Beck, R., Taylor, C., & Robbins, M. (2003) Missing home: Sociotropy and autonomy and their relationship to depression and homesickness in college freshmen. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 16, 155-166.

Beck, R., Benedict, B., & Winkler, A. (2003). Depression and Anxiety: Integrating the Tripartite and Cognitive content-specificity assessment models. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 25, 251-257.

Psychology of Religion:

Beck, R. & Miller, C.D. (2000). Religiosity, agency and communion and their relationship to religious judgmentalism. Journal of Psychology, 134, 315-324.

Beck, R. & Miller, J.P. (2001). The erosion of belief and disbelief: The relationship of belief in the supernatural with belief in the paranormal. Journal of Social Psychology, 141, 277-287.

Beck, R., Baker, L., Robbins, M., & Dow, S. (2001) A second look at Quest Motivation: Is Quest multidimensional or unidimensional? Journal of Psychology and Theology, 29, 148-157.

Beck, R. & McDonald, A. (2004). Attachment to God: The Attachment to God Inventory, tests of working model correspondence, and an exploration of faith group differences. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 32, 92-103.

Beck, R. & Jessup, R. (2004). The multidimensional nature of Quest motivation. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 32, 283-294.

Beck, R. (2004). The function of religious belief: Defensive versus existential religion. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 23, 208-218.

McDonald, A., Beck, R., Allison, S., & Norsworthy, L. (2005). Attachment to God and Parents: Testing the Correspondence vs. Compensation Hypothesis. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 24, 21-28.

Beck, R. (2006). God as a Secure Base: Attachment to God and theological exploration. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 34, 125-132.

Beck, R. (2006). Communion and Complaint: Attachment, object-relations, and triangular love perspectives on relationship with God. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 34, 43-52.

Beck, R. (2006). Spiritual Pollution: The dilemma of sociomoral disgust and the ethic of love. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 43, 53-65.

Beck, R. (2006). Defensive versus Existential Religion: Is religious defensiveness predictive of worldview defense? Journal of Psychology and Theology, 34, 142-151.

Beck, R. (2007). The winter experience of faith: Empirical, theological, and theoretical perspectives. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 26, 68-78.

Beck, R. & Taylor, S. (2008). The emotional burden of monotheism: Satan, theodicy, and relationship with God. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 36, 151-160.

Beck, R. (2009). Feeling Queasy about the Incarnation: Terror Management Theory, death, and the body of Jesus. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 36, 303-312.

Beck, R. (2009). Profanity: The Gnostic Affront of the Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 37, 294-303.

Beck, R. (2010). The Moral and Psychological Landscape of Chit Chat: Toward a Theological Hermeneutic of Everyday Conversation. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 29, 41-45.

Beck, R., McGregor, D., Woodrow, B., Haugen, A. & Killion, K. (2010). Death, art and the Fall: A terror management view of Christian aesthetic judgments. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 29, 301-307.

Beck, R. (2012). Love in the Laboratory: Moving From Theology to Research. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 31, 167-174.

Student Retention:
Morris, J.M., Beck, R., & Smith, A.B. (2004). Examining student/institution fit at a Christian university: The role of spiritual integration. Journal of Education and Christian Belief, 8, 87-100.

Morris, J. M., Beck, R., & Mattis, C. (2007). Examining worldview fit and First-Year retention at a private religiously-affiliated institution. Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students In Transition, 19, 75-88.

Morris, J.M., Reese, J., Beck, R. & Mattis, C. (2010). Facebook usage as a predictor of retention at a private 4-Year institution. Journal of College Student Retention, 11, 311-322.

Pastoral Publications
Beck, R. (2001). Psychological musings about the Churches of Christ. Wineskins, 5(3), 9-12.

Beck, R. (2001). Toxic religion. New Wineskins, Nov./Dec., 42-45.

Beck. R. (2002). Summer and Winter Christians. New Wineskins, March/April, 20-22.

Beck, R. (2007). Ministry in the Post-Cartesian World. Sharing the Practice, 30, 3-6.

Beck, R. (2008). Regarding Sex: Beyond hedonic ambivalence. Leaven, 16, 106-111.

Beck, R. (2011). Gender, Submission, and Ecosystems of Abuse. The Harvard Ichthus, 7 (1), 28-30.

Teaching Awards
ACU Teacher of the Year, Abilene Christian University (2008)

Honors Professor of the Year, ACU Honors College (2006)

Classroom Teaching Award, ACU College of Arts and Sciences (2008)

Student Mentoring Award, ACU College of Arts and Sciences (2001)


  1. Dear Richard,

    I am one of the managing editors of The Daily Brainstorm, an aggregate blog (a la The Huffington Post) that features a mix of really well-known bloggers and cool up-and-comers. Some of our contributors include Leo Babauta of Zen Habits; Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project; Steve Aitchison of Change Your Thoughts; Carolyn Rubenstein of A Beautiful Ripple Effect; Jeffrey Tang of The Art of Great Things; and Erin Pavlina of Spiritual Wisdom for Conscious People. (You can check us out at www.thedailybrainstorm.com .) One of the founding partners of The Daily Brainstorm is Mary Jaksch, the creator (along with Leo Babauta) of the A-List Blogging Bootcamps and Blogger Club. Her blogs are Goodlife Zen and Write to Done.

    We would be thrilled and honored to have you as a contributor to The Daily Brainstorm. Here’s how it works: with your permission, we feed in your posts and publish the first couple of paragraphs, your byline and any accompanying photo. Then we link directly to your blog for the remainder of the article. There is no work on your part. The benefit to you is that we drive new traffic directly to your blog. You will be able to connect with a new audience of readers coming from a wide variety of blogs. (Leo Babauta alone has 200,000 subscribers.) Your presence as a contributor would add tremendously to the value and interest of The Daily Brainstorm.

    We officially launched the week of July 12. If you would like to participate as a contributor, you don’t need to do anything except to give us your OK, send us a jpg headshot of yourself (for times when a post might not have an image). We have a small logo link that you can put on your blog stating that you are a contributor (it can be found here if you agree to participate http://www.thedailybrainstorm.com/linkstous.aspx.

    Please let me know if you would like to be a contributor, and if so, we will start posting your articles right away. I look forward to hearing back from you. I really enjoyed checking out your blog.

    NOTE: I’m on holiday beginning Friday, July 23rd so please reply to Barrie Davenport, our Editor-in-Chief at bbdavenport@charter.net . Let her know the name of your blog, the name that you’d like displayed on your articles and send her your headshot.

    Warm regards,

    Katie Tallo
    Managing Editor, Lifestyle/Food/Spiritual//Health
    The Daily Brainstorm

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  3. Hi Richard. Your blog and interdisciplinary mix of theology and psychology greatly interest me. I'm in the process of discerning God's will, trying to figure out what type of mission He has in store for me, but I also struggle with chronic depression (dysthymia). The biggest problem lies in the fact that most of the time I have no motivation or drive to do anything at all, and the depression seems to transform everything into 'flavorless greyness'. How do I figure out what I want, and what God wants, if most of the time I feel like I don't want anything at all?

  4. Hi Daniel, that's hard to answer in a blog comment. But I'd say two things. First, don't base any decision solely on your feelings. Seek the counsel, wisdom, and support of others who know you well and who care about you. Second, I don't think "will of God" is a life choice we make, "doors" to open that we have to choose between. I think the "will of God" is simply being a human being characterized by grace, patience, mercy, kindness and love. Toward yourself first and then toward others.
