
Sunlight on Spiderwebs

Sunlight on Spiderwebs

Those webs
of mighty effort
and industry
so fragile
so full of sadness
and melancholy.
in the sunlight
they shimmer
with a beauty
their maker

Generally, I find life very, very sad. Interestingly, I'm a joyful person. But this is due to the fortunes of heredity. I am dispositionally happy. Consequently, my worldview has difficulty making a dent in my baseline mood. My joy is a genetic joy. So I guess I'm lucky in that way.

This weekend I found myself at a contemplative retreat hosted by ACU. During the retreat we were invited to spend many hours in solitude, silence, and prayer. I wandered off and during the first three hours generally stared at a spiderweb as the sun began to set. And, as is typical of me, when my mind quieted the recurrent melancholy came over me. All the strivings of life, epitomized by that spider, seemed so futile and fragile. I felt like that spider.

But then the sun, moving lower, struck the spiderweb unleashing a dazzling display of shimmering color. And as I reflected on my amazement, I wondered if this life, seen from a different perspective, has a beauty inaccessible to me currently.

That, anyway, is the hope I have...

1 comment:

  1. I apologize put front. While I know the purpose of this blog was not around this part...I can't help but say I love this entry because of this paragraph...

    "Generally, I find life very, very sad. Interestingly, I'm a joyful person. But this is due to the fortunes of heredity. I am dispositionally happy. Consequently, my worldview has difficulty making a dent in my baseline mood. My joy is a genetic joy. So I guess I'm lucky in that way."

    It makes me wonder...
