
The Responsibility Project (TIIII #10)

If you are a regular reader here you know I like the Liberty Mutual Responsibility videos. The first video appeared in 2006:

That video was followed up with this one:

This summer a third 30-second commercial aired during the Summer Olympics:

Well, apparently, the public reaction to these commercials has prompted Liberty Mutual to launch the The Responsibility Project website. The goal of the website is to prompt discussion about what "responsibility" means and looks like. A core feature of the dialogue at the website are video shorts that meditate on the issue of responsibility. Below is one of my favorites. I love the video's analysis of intra-office pettiness and how simple gestures of kindness and responsibility can humanize an inhuman workplace environment:

Of course, Liberty Mutual might be a totally corrupt company, but I like the sentiments of the commercials and the ideas behind many of the videos at the The Responsibility Project.

(Note: For regular readers, TIIII stands for the Things I'm Interested In Installment series. This TIIII is #10 in the ongoing series.)


  1. Nice videos from Liberty Mutual...

    The "cartoon" video resolved the "problem" of a broken chair with someone taking the "broken chair". Others were protective of their "right" to a "whole" chair.

    Responsibility, in this case, was really the company's. The problem should be resolved by appealig to the bosses for equipment that would "help" the functioning of each individual worker. This is good business practice.

    If one is talking about responding in kindness, then, of course, that is all of our responsibility. But, I don't think we teach anything to anyone else, if we allow them to be irresponsible, such as "big government" would allow. "Self responsibility" is an important attribute of any "mature soul". So, we should not be enablers.

    I think that we all, if we are reflective enough, have certain ideological commitments, which drive most of our decisions. These are played out in our "two party" system. But, responsibility also goes beyond these ideological commitments because "life" is more complex that any "worldview". The questions that drive these decisions are what are my priorities, and why, what are the implications of this decision one way or another, and how will it affect these concerns in the long term...none of us in such situations will come to the same conclusion always, so it is not about "right and wrong"; it is about where we are personally in our value system. It is not even about "maturity", as maturity should be gauged with the wisdom in which someone questions the decision making process...

    For instance, some would believe that irregardless of who or what a person stands for or does, they are deserving of certain priviledges, just because they are human. This is viewed a an absolute. O

    Others would say that this view is too simplistic, as we do not have an obligation to those who have chosen to leave the "community of humanity", by their own choices. These are the criminals of the world. Do they deserve life, a second chance, or not? Some believe in capital punishment, others don't...

  2. I hope I'm not taking up too much space, but this is an area that is a personal learning curve for me...

    Some people think everything is their fault, this is a childish response, as it "sees" or understands situations solely through a "self-centeed universe". This happens whenever a person has not developed in their emotional areas, because of abuse. Such people should not be taken advantage of by those whose egos are so big that they demand subservience. Perhaps these "big egos" are also due to "immature development"...

    Other people are overly responsible, as they are co-dependent and try to "fix" or "rescue" the situation or people, be the "hero", etc. These are not healthy behaviors, as they are enmeshed identities. "Self" does not exist apart from gauging it by the "other". This is "herdish" mentality, which is a lack of developing critical thinking skills. Group think is a lesser stage of moral development. People do or respond because "it is the thing to do". This is conventional and maintains a 'status quo", which brings society a "certain peace".

    So, responsibility is a word. It has meaning, but that meaning and its application will vary depending on one's personal understanding...
