
"I desire mercy, not sacrifice.": A Sermon

On Sunday it was my privilege to preach at our church. The title of the sermon was taken from Matthew 9: "Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'"

The podcast can be found here.

The sermon was the fusion of two of my recent posts. The first half of the sermon was a version of my The Bait and Switch of Contemporary Christianity post and the second half was my meditation on the Amsterdam flies and paying attention.


  1. Richard,

    A little birdie who was at Highland on Sunday called me and told me to listen to the sermon from that morning. He said that as he listened he couldn't help but think of me and where I find myself currently in regards to the corporate church in our culture and my own struggles to follow Jesus. I was not surprised to hear it was you who delivered that sermon.

    I listened and was convicted by your words, encouraged by your honesty and inspired to pay attention, love more deeply and offer mercy more freely and more quickly.

    Thank you.

    My best to Jana and your boys. Next time I'm out west I would love to steal a few minutes with you.


    Stephen Bailey

    P.S. - I too have worked enough Sunday lunches to tell you that sadly, your experience is not unique. Some were liberal enought o come to the champagne brunch, but few were liberal with their tip money.

  2. Hi Stephen,
    Thanks for your kind comments. Yes, please let me know went you are back in town. Although I'd be in line given all the friends you have in Abilene.

  3. Richard - Two comments:

    1. I've listened to the sermon. Wonderful! Thanks so much.

    2. I'm glad I'm no longer in the church office handling calls from people who are upset about something that was said in the sermon. :)

