
The Stockholm Syndrome & Resistence

Today was a nice day on the ACU campus getting to hear Shane Claiborne (The Irresistible Revolution, Jesus for President) in multiple venues. The day will be capped off with a Derek Webb concert with both Shane and Derek doing a talk-back afterwards.

Derek Webb's latest album is called The Stockholm Syndrome. The Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where hostages begin to identify with and defend their captors. The syndrome was named after observing hostages in a bank robbery in Stockholm begin to identify with the bank robbers during the days they were being held hostage.

Why would hostages, prisoners, or captives come to identify with their captors and see them as kind and benevolent? Wikipedia lists the following as the causes and conditions behind the syndrome:
Hostages who develop Stockholm syndrome often view the perpetrator as giving life by simply not taking it. In this sense, the captor becomes the person in control of the captive’s basic needs for survival and the victim’s life itself.

The hostage endures isolation from other people and has only the captor’s perspective available. Perpetrators routinely keep information about the outside world’s response to their actions from captives to keep them totally dependent.

The hostage taker threatens to kill the victim and gives the perception of having the capability to do so. The captive judges it safer to align with the perpetrator, endure the hardship of captivity, and comply with the captor than to resist and face murder.

The captive sees the perpetrator as showing some degree of kindness. Kindness serves as the cornerstone of Stockholm syndrome; the condition will not develop unless the captor exhibits it in some form toward the hostage. However, captives often misinterpret a lack of abuse as kindness and may develop feelings of appreciation for this perceived benevolence. If the captor is purely evil and abusive, the hostage will respond with hatred. But, if perpetrators show some kindness, victims will submerge the anger they feel in response to the terror and concentrate on the captors’ “good side” to protect themselves.
Listening to Webb's albums it becomes clear that he sees American Christianity as suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome. A large part of this is how whe church is captive to the political and economic powers of the American Empire. Worse, suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome, the church doesn't recognize its captivity. In fact, the church has come to love its captor, to embrace its abuser. Read through the conditions of the Stockholm Syndrome above and replace "captive/hostage" with "Christianity/church" and "captor/perpetrator" with "American Empire" and you get the gist of Webb's criticism of the church.

Claiborne's ministry with The Simple Way and his writings also speak prophetically about this captivity, the love affair between the church and The Powers. One powerful way to experience this criticism is through the Litany of Resistance in Appendix 4 of Jesus for President.

You can think of the Litany of Resistance as a way to snap the church out of the Stockholm Syndrome:
Litany of Resistance

One: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world
All: Have mercy on us
One: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world
All: Free us from the bondage of sin and death
One: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world
All: Hear our prayer. Grant us peace.

One: For the victims of war
All: Have mercy
One: Women, men and children
All: Have mercy
One: The maimed and the crippled
All: Have mercy
One: The abandoned and the homeless
All: Have mercy
One: The imprisoned and the tortured
All: Have mercy
One: The widowed and the orphaned
All: Have mercy
One: The bleeding and the dying
All: Have mercy
One: The weary and the desperate
All: Have mercy
One: The lost and the forsaken
All: Have mercy

One: O God -- Have mercy on us sinners
All: Forgive us for we know not what we do
One: For our scorched and blackened earth
All: Forgive us
One: For the scandal of billions wasted in war
All: Forgive us
One: For our arms makers and arms dealers
All: Forgive us
One: For our Caesars and Herods
All: Forgive us
One: For the violence that is rooted in our hearts
All: Forgive us
One: For the times we turn others into enemies
All: Forgive us

One: Deliver us, O God
All: Guide our feet into the way of peace
One: Hear our prayer
All: Grant us peace

One: From the arrogance of power
All: Deliver us
One: From the myth of redemptive violence
All: Deliver us
One: From the tyranny of greed
All: Deliver us
One: From the ugliness of racism
All: Deliver us
One: From the cancer of hatred
All: Deliver us
One: From the seduction of wealth
All: Deliver us
One: From the addiction of control
All: Deliver us
One: From the idolatry of nationalism
All: Deliver us
One: From the paralysis of cynicism
All: Deliver us
One: From the violence of apathy
All: Deliver us
One: From the ghettos of poverty
All: Deliver us
One: From the ghettos of wealth
All: Deliver us
One: From a lack of imagination
All: Deliver us

One: Deliver us, O God
All: Guide our feet into the way of peace
One: We will not conform to the patterns of this world
All: Let us be transformed by the renewing of our minds
One: With the help of God’s grace
All: Let us resist evil wherever we find it

One: With the waging of war
All: We will not comply
One: With the legalization of murder
All: We will not comply
One: With the slaughter of innocents
All: We will not comply
One: With laws that betray human life
All: We will not comply
One: With the destruction of community
All: We will not comply
One: With the pointing finger and malicious talk
All: We will not comply
One: With the idea that happiness must be purchased
All: We will not comply
One: With the ravaging of the earth
All: We will not comply
One: With principalities and powers that oppress
All: We will not comply
One: With the destruction of peoples
All: We will not comply
One: With the raping of women
All: We will not comply
One: With governments that kill
All: We will not comply
One: With the theology of empire
All: We will not comply
One: With the business of militarism
All: We will not comply
One: With the hoarding of riches
All: We will not comply
One: With the dissemination of fear
All: We will not comply

One: Today we pledge our ultimate allegiance…to the Kingdom of God
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To a peace that is not like Rome’s
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the Gospel of enemy love
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the Kingdom of the poor and broken
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To a King that loves his enemies so much he died for them
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the least of these, with whom Christ dwells
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the transnational Church that transcends the artificial borders of nations
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the refugee of Nazareth
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the homeless rabbi who had no place to lay his head
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the cross rather than the sword
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the banner of love above any flag
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the one who rules with a towel rather than an iron fist
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the one who rides a donkey rather than a war-horse
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the revolution that sets both oppressed and oppressors free
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the Way that leads to life
All: We pledge allegiance
One: To the Slaughtered Lamb
All: We pledge allegiance

One: And together we proclaim his praises, from the margins of the empire to the centers of wealth and power
All: Long Live the Slaughtered Lamb
One: Long Live the Slaughtered Lamb
All: Long Live the Slaughtered Lamb

(Authors: Shane Claiborne, Chris Haw, Jim Loney and Brian Walsh. The Litany can be downloaded at the Jesus for President website.)


  1. Almost in tears...awesome. Thank you for this today!

  2. Provocative, especially to one who take the view members of the Church are to be completely detached from earthly politics. I read The "Book of Ester" and I read the "Litany of Resistance" and think. There is no just war; I can accept that. But government has a very limited and violent purpose. Believers in the Litany need to understand that too. Romans 13:1-7 has not been redacted.

  3. Blkburn - Romans 13:1-7 should not be read in exclusion from Romans 12:9-21 "Bless those who persecute you...do not repay evil for evil...live peaceably with all...never avenge yourselves...overcome evil with good. Romans 13 has not been "redacted" from a Christ-followers mandate to love their enemies. Just because God has instituted an authority, does not mean that that authority is always governing in rhythm with God's kingdom. To separate Romans 13 from Romans 12 gives us license to underwrite the authority of the powers of this word rather than call them to rightfully fulfilling their vocation. If our government commanded you to commit fornication would you? I'm assuming not. The authority of any power, or any government is subject to the ultimate authority of our ascended Lord. As Paul says in Colossians 1:16-17 - all powers, rulers, dominions and thrones were created in Christ and for Christ. the proper vocation for any authority is to be reflective of the servant leadership of Christ - governance is supposed to be reflective of Jesus' cruciform love and freed from the tyranny of death through his resurrection.

  4. If anything this litany is a call to "righteous" relationships for us and for those who govern in this world.

  5. This puts it more succinctly:
    Luke 22:36
    Luke 20:25
    Leave the lamb idolatry behind.

  6. All sarcasm aside, the way you explained the Stockholm syndrome Richard, gives me both pause and clarity....

  7. Our small group used this a few weeks ago in our Bible study. I loved it, but didn't know the source -- I should have known it was from JfP.

  8. In some way we are all complicit in the objectifying and dehumanizing behaviors that cause destruction and death in God's creation. When I pray for God's judgement against those sins, I'm praying for redemption not only for "sinners out there", but also for the patterns of sin that exist in my own life as well. It is my hope that such a litany reorients that unrighteousness in my life and through the power of the spirit is transformed into righteousness.

    "The thing is, the Lord's Kingdom is not of this earth". It is not "of" this earth, but it is "in" it. The Kingdom of God is not a consummate reality today, but it is "breaking in" and pointing to the day when it will be "the" reality for all. Those who call upon Jesus as Lord, point to that reality with the way in which their lives are "governed" by his lordship.
