

As you make plans this summer, put Streaming at Rochester College on your radar screen for June 18-20. The conference schedule is now online. Some highlights:
3:00 Welcome and Opening Worship: Mike Cope
4:15 Film review: Lars and Real Girl
5:00 Walter Brueggemann: “Life as a ‘Business Model’”
7:30 Rolando Diaz and Caryl Parker, Live performance, music and painting

8:45 Walter Brueggemann: “Covenant: Life Redefined as Faithful Relationship”
10:00 Panel Discussion: Practicing the Prophetic Imagination
11:00 Greg Stevenson: “Pharisees Anonymous: Mercy in Matthew”
1:15 Film Review: Tree of Life
2:00 Richard Beck: “The Purity Collapse: The Psychology of Missional Failure”
3:00 Panel Discussion: Unclean
4:15 Worship, Caryl Parker
5:00 Evening free, including Tigers’ game vs. Cardinals

8:45 Richard Beck: “The Will to Embrace: In Search of Christian Hospitality”
10:00 Brueggemann and Beck conversation
11:15 Closing Worship, Sara Barton
I'm particularly excited about that 10:00 conversation with Walter Brueggemann on Wednesday.


  1. Sounds interesting...  I'm glad that the thesis of 'Unclean' will be featured in this venue.  If I weren't so cynical about the current state of both the definition and the practice of "missional" among evangelicals, I'd be even more excited.  Even in my local UMC congregation (which at least, in my analysis, is more outward/social justice-focused in its doctrines and traditions), it's a mixed bag.  As a whole, the people I've become acquainted with in our particular church are wonderfully generous and radically hospitable.  But, as with any group, there are ingrained prejudices among individuals, and sub-groups which are either far to one extreme or the other in missional thinking and practices.  I'm aware of it but have managed to avoid becoming embroiled in any divisive controversies.  So far.

    However, recently I went with a group from my church to serve a meal at the local homeless shelter.  It was something that I have wanted to do for a long, long time -- get directly involved in that specific missional outreach.  I experienced a whole range of emotions in response to my observations and interactions with the people at the shelter, and when I expressed that, a) it scared the crap out of me on one level, and b) I felt so passionately that I *needed* to be doing it, a well-meaning individual, upon hearing my "confession," encouraged me to find a more indirect way to help.  I'm thinking, like donate money, food, or clothing to the shelter.  I know she really meant well, and was attempting to assuage my fears, accept where I am in my faith (or lack thereof), etc.  But, I came away thinking that, sadly, this is not the advice I really needed to hear most.  Fast forward to a more recent conversation with this same group of women, emphasizing the importance of community and fellowship that exhorts and admonishes, presumably to be obedient to God and disciplined Christian living...

    Cue the cognitive "disco dancing" in my head, at that point in the conversation!

    I can probably use a sensible voice or two, speaking pragmatic, rational advice into my typically idealistic, dreamy impulses.  Maybe?  I guess?  The truth is, I think we're more inclined (and wired) to judge and hold back--and justify/rationalize our actions at that, than to be overly merciful toward those whom we deem undeserving.  I think this is a common tripping point in the Wesleyan doctrine, actually.  So much emphasis is placed on free will, that there is a lack of mercy toward those who have made bad choices; an over-reliance on one's ability and accountability for "doing the right thing."  It's a convenient out, don't you think?

    I've really come to love many of the people in my church, even as I don't (again -- story of my life) know where I fit in, with my non-conformist beliefs (or lack thereof).  I expect the kind of accountability here at ET that I really need to hear.  Not what I want to hear, or what is easy to hear.  But, what's good and true.  Without crucifying me with the truth, KWIM?

    Anyhoo, I'm glad for you, Dr. Beck.  'Unclean' is a masterpiece that is desperately needed in the "missional" conversation.  I know there's no chance that I can come to the conference, though the Midwestern proximity is more convenient to me.  Our family is tentatively planning a trip to India either this fall or winter, which nixes absolutely any other vacation or travel plans for the year (time and money -- oh my!)  I look forward to hearing how it all goes.  God bless.

  2. Thanks Susan. I don't know if Unclean is a masterpiece, but I do think it's unique. I don't know of anything quite like it. When I wrote it one of my goals was to pack it full of interesting stuff. Every chapter I wanted people to say, "Well this is something new." It all might not add up and the practical implications are hazy, but I picked the word "meditations" very deliberately for the title. The book is to make people think and to challenge us to overcome those psychological obstacles that prevent us from welcoming others as Christ.

    Hospes venit, Christus venit.

  3. Every now and then, a book connects with me in a deeply powerful and lasting way.  'Unclean' was that book which I had been needing.  The meditations are challenging; indeed, unforgettable.  It would have been impossible for me to read 'Unclean' and come away unfazed and unchanged.  My timing was just right, to read 'Unclean.'  That is probably no small thing.  For over a year, I had been reading the blog posts at ET.  My frame of reference was somewhat filled in to start with.  The experiences that led to my being drawn to ET in the first place had created a desire to learn and grow.  You have to want it.

    As for practical implications.  If you had attempted to focus on practicalities, in my very humble and unprofessional opinion, the heart of the message would have been cheapened.  The "how to" books in the Christian publishing industry are a dime a dozen.  I am so grateful that your books are not that type.  The style and content may not appeal to the overwhelming masses, which is truly a shame.  Mercy and hospitality are such underrated practices.  The thing is, I don't know that a person can manufacture it or fake it.  If you don't mean it (head and heart consent), it appears mechanical and inauthentic.

    Aesthetically-speaking, I appreciated the simple, minimalistic cover design and dramatic use of color in the contrast between stark black background and simple text and image.  The typewriter font used for the page header/footer and chapter titles reflected the simple, timeless truth being expressed.  These are probably unimportant details to some.  I enjoy aesthetically-pleasing, artfully-expressed creations, maybe more than some.  Books, words, tend to have personalities, I think.

    My favorite chapters might be 7: Contempt and Heresy, and 8: Hospitality and Embrace.  These are the most personal for me.  Romans 12:13b -- Hospes venit, Christus venit.  Yes, I see and feel it.

    Given my experiences here at the blog -- because I know from these experiences that you believe and live what you say, the last four sentences of Chapter 11 (pgs. 178-9) are the most meaningful to me.

    I am making my way through 'The Authenticity of Faith,' but at a much slower pace; partly due to other distractions, but also because I need to think a little more technically (out of my sphere of expertise) on what I'm reading.  I've made it up to 'Worldview Defense Revisited' thus far.  Here's the idea that keeps rattling around in my head as I go:  Is it, in the final analysis, so much about the authenticity of "faith" as it is the interpersonal relationships that derive from said faith?  And that gets back to the thesis of 'Unclean.'

    I stand by my initial praise of 'Unclean' as a masterpiece.  In the grand scheme of things, we might say that the book is an unfinished masterpiece, a song waiting to be (re)sung, in perfect harmony!  Each reader has an opportunity to become a co-creator in the artful welcoming of others as Christ.  It's a blessing and a privilege to receive and accept that gracious invitation.  Learn, create, show love every day.  ~Peace~

  4. Perhaps you can answer a question that I can't seem to find an answer for on the Streaming site. Since it is called "Streaming 2012", I would assume that it could be viewed online, but I can't find any information as to how to stream it, or the costs involved. I'd love to catch some of the discussions and lectures, but cannot afford the time or expense of the travel.

  5. Is there a conference hotel or suggested accommodations? I didn't see anything on the site about that.

  6. Sandy, we will have suggestions for accommodations, and will likely have dorm space on campus if you want to go cheap. Look for info on that By next Tuesday.

    Would love to have you.


  7. Eric, we will have content available, though we are still working on the live parts. For sure, we will have a vimeo site with viewing privileges for a fee. Stay tuned for the exact details.
