In Ezekiel 26-28 we find a prophecy about the judgment to come upon the pagan nation of Tyre, one of a bunch of pagan nations that Ezekiel proclaims judgment upon.
In proclaiming judgment upon the nation of Tyre the king gets singled out for special rebuke. And in the midst of this rebuke the king of Tyre is described in a particular way:
Ezekiel 28.14Other translations render "guardian cherub" as "guardian angel" as cherubs were angelic beings.
You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you.
Again, this is an illustration of the point made in my last post, that the rulers of the nations were considered to be angelic beings who were ordained stewards and protectors of the nations. The king of Tyre was anointed by God to be the guardian angel of the nation of Tyre.
In the biblical imagination, guardian angels are the kings and rulers of the nations.
And yet, unlike how we tend to think about guardian angels, this isn't a warm, fuzzy situation. Because as we noted in the last post, these "guardian angels," the kings of the pagan nations, are the source of political oppression. That's why the guardian angel of Tyre comes under judgment:
Ezekiel 28.16Notice, and this is the key point I'm making in this series of posts, how the angelic aspect of a pagan nation is conflated with political oppression.
Through your widespread trade
you were filled with violence,
and you sinned.
So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,
and I expelled you, guardian cherub...
The guardian angel of Tyre is judged as being "violent" through "widespread trade."
And that sin, the angelic spirit of Tyre descending into the demonic, brings about the judgment of God.
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