
Release Day!

Today is the official release day of Trains, Jesus, and Murder: The Gospel of Johnny Cash. It's exciting, and a bit of a relief, to finally get to this date.

As an author, I try not to swamp you with too much book release stuff. But today is a day to ask for a favor. If this blog has meant anything to you over the years, and you've wanted a way to say "Thank You," you can do one or two things for me today.

First, share the book link today on social media! (Amazon link is here. Indie book link is here.) Even if you're not planning to read the book or can't endorse it (because you haven't read it), even a neutral shout out like "Richard Beck has a new book out about Johnny Cash" would be appreciated.

Second, if you read the book and like it, consider giving it a review and some stars on Amazon or wherever book reviews are found.

Thank you for all your help today!

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