
An Evening of Trains, Jesus, and Murder: Part 3, The Man in Black

Below is my favorite clip from our evening at Host.

In my book Trains, Jesus and Murder: The Gospel According to Johnny Cash I use the music of the Man in Black to describe how the gospel is rooted in solidarity. In the clip below I describe what this looks like by setting up three songs that David plays: "The Man in Black," "San Quentin," and "Sunday Mornin' Coming Down."

Again, it was such a honor to share this evening with David Benjamin Blower, musician, author, and co-host of the Nomad podcast. And again, a big Thank You to Paul Milbank, the curator of Host, for capturing our evening together on film.

Be sure to check out Trains, Jesus and Murder: The Gospel According to Johnny Cash. One more clip tomorrow from our evening at Host.

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