
Deconstruction and Reconstruction During Advent

Advent is a great time for deconstruction. Advent is similar to Lent in this regard. During Advent we sit in the experience of exile. During Advent we wait in darkness.

But there's also good stuff for reconstruction during Advent as well. Historically, the church celebrates three "comings" of Jesus. (The word "advent" comes from the Latin adventus, meaning "coming" or "arrival.")

The First Coming of Jesus is in the Incarnation, liturgically celebrated, we know, during the Christmas season, which starts with the Feast of the Nativity (Christmas day) and lasts for twelve days.

The Second Coming of Jesus, sometimes called the Middle Coming, is the entrance of Christ into our hearts and lives. This is your own personal experience of Advent, your particular story of Jesus coming and saving you.

And, finally, the Third Coming of Jesus is the Christian eschatological expectation that Christ will return in glory to set the world right, bringing both justice and peace.

All that to say, there's a lot of writing right now online about the experience of exile, lament and darkness during the season of Advent. All good stuff, but only focusing on one bit of Advent. There's much less writing about the Second and Third Advents. Beyond exile and waiting in darkness, Advent is also a season to reflect on and give thanks for your own salvation story, Jesus coming into your life and saving you. And Advent is also a season of hope, looking forward to the New Heaven and the New Earth where, to echo Julian of Norwich, "all shall be well."

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