
What Is the Gospel According to Johnny Cash?

To give you a peek into some of the themes of Trains, Jesus and Murder, I recently wrote some posts for the Tokens Show blog.

Part 1 of the series used the title of the book: "Trains, Jesus and Murder: The Gospel According to Johnny Cash."

If you want a hint about what "the gospel according to Johnny Cash" looks like, the post (using material from the book) is a good introduction. Here's a snippet:
The gospel is rooted in God’s solidarity with the marginalized...This was the gospel the Man in Black proclaimed when he stood on the stage of Folsom Prison and sang songs for “the poor and the beaten down, livin’ in the hopeless hungry side of town." ...

The gospel also proclaims that grace comes to us in our failures and weaknesses. Cash’s struggle with drug addiction is well known, and the pain and damage he caused during those years haunted him, regrets that found artistic expression toward the end of his life in his cover of Trent Reznor’s song “Hurt.” 
Read the whole post here on the Tokens Show blog. 

And again, Trains, Jesus, and Murder officially launches next week, on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Get your copy at Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Indiebound.

If you'd like to help launch the book, give it some social media love leading up to November 5.

Also, as I'll share through the week, if you're interested me bringing the gospel and Johnny Cash to your church, school or organization, I'd be excited to explore that with you. My speaking schedule and contact info is here.

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