Summing Up: Satan as a Functional Theodicy?

Dear Reader,
I'm wrapping up this series on Satan as a Functional Theodicy. In this series I tried to reflect on how we think about Satan. My argument has been that Satan tends to function as a theodicy in the minds of many religious believers. I've cited theological, historical, anecdotal, and empirical evidence for this position. Below lists the relevant posts in order. I appreciate all those who participated (and are sill participating!) in the discussion. Hope you found the series interesting.

Posts from the series Satan as a Functional Theodicy:
Satan as a Functional Theodicy?
The Emotional Burden of Monotheism
N-Order Complaint
The ACU Study
Satan and Drive-Through Spiritual Formation
Crypto-Jewish and Crypto-Zoroastrian Christians
The Probability of Encountering Satan Today is .0000000036

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