C21 Ticket Giveaway
In a few weeks I'll be seeing many of you at Christianity21. I'll be there--Jan. 22- 24 in Phoenix, Arizona--as a part of a wonderful and diverse lineup of 21 speakers along with talks given those attending the conference (something I'm really looking forward to).
Thanks to Ross Warnell I have access to two tickets to C21 that Ross and I would like to give away. Right now C21 tickets are $249, so this is a great opportunity.
If you are interested in the tickets please shoot me an email at beckr@acu.edu letting me know if you're interested in one or both tickets. Write "C21 Tickets" in the subject line.
On January 5th I'll randomly pick a winner (or winners) and announce that on the blog.
Richard, my hope is that you will bring Dorothy Day's message from the other day: "We can't love God unless we love each other, and to love we must know each other. We know Him in the breaking of bread, and we know each other in the breaking of bread..." I think that I have finally realized why Jesus focused on "the least of these..." Pride separates us . If we are to come together in love, it is best to build on the foundation of those whose pride is broken. I am pleased that your voice will be heard at C21.
Wow this is good news for the squashed and stepped on please enter me for the drawing