But where does Wisdom come from?
Where is Intelligence to be found?
No human being knows the way to her, she is not to be found on earth where they live.
"She is not in me," says the Abyss; "Nor here," replies the Sea.
But where does Wisdom come from? Where is Intelligence to be found?
She cannot be seen by any living creature, she is hidden from the birds of the sky.
Perdition and Death both say, "We have heard only rumours of her."
God alone understands her path and knows where she is to be found. (For he sees to the remotest parts of the earth, and observes all that lies under heaven.)
When he willed to give weight to the wind and measured out the waters with a gauge, when he imposed a law on the rain and mapped a route for thunderclaps to follow, then he saw and evaluated her, looked her through and through, assessing her.
Then he said to human beings,
"Wisdom?--that is fear of the Lord; Intelligence?--avoidance of evil."
Where is Wisdom?
--Job 28.12-14, 20-28 (NJB)