Personal Days: Senior Year

Brenden, my oldest, is graduating from High School this year. With April upon us we're coming down to the last few weeks.

It's been a wonderful year, full of all those mixed up happy/sad feelings. Last holiday at home. Last games. Last drama production. So happy, but so keenly aware of the time passing.

That's Brenden with his good friend Rebecca. They were Homecoming King and Queen this year.

Brenden is such a great person. It's been a joy and honor watching him this year.

Last week we were eating at a local Mexican restaurant. Brenden got up to go to the restroom. An older man, looked to be in his 80s, was sitting alone. He spotted Brenden's high school baseball shirt. So the man called Brenden over and started sharing with him all his memories of playing baseball, and of a brother who had played a bit in the Major Leagues. Brenden just talked and talked to this man, really engaged and animated. And when the gentlemen left he stopped by our table to talk a bit more and say good-bye to Brenden.

Checking out the restaurant owner asked me, "Was that your son talking to that older man?"

"Yes, it was." I said.

"It was so kind for him to do that. To stand there and talk with him so long. That gentlemen is very lonely."

I agreed, "Brenden is a kind person."

She wanted to say more. "You just don't see kids do that, take the time to talk with a stranger like that. For that long. You just don't see it. He was so kind to do that."

As a father, moments like these make you really, really proud. I give Jana a lot of credit. In fact, I did.

"He's his mother's son," I said.

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