Email Subscriptions and Experimental Theology on Substack

My apologies for some house business today.

Blogger notified users that its email subscription widget is no longer going to be supported, ending at the start of July, a few weeks away. This will obviously affect readers who follow the blog through their Inbox rather than coming here directly.

Pondering what to do for those readers, I've started copying the blog onto a space I made on Substack. To be clear, as long as Blogger keeps chugging along I'll still be right here. But Experimental Theology can now also be found on Substack.

The reason for this is that Substack has an easy email subscription system. Plus, Substack has two things I value in my blogging platform: 1) I can post there for free, and 2) you are not exposed to advertisements. 

Also, while many writers have subscribers pay for content on Substack I won't be doing that. If you subscribe to the blog on Substack all the content remains free just as it is here.

So, if you are a reader to follows the blog through your Inbox with an email subscription, or would like to start doing that, please head over to Substack and subscribe. Tomorrow Experimental Theology will start (or continue) to show up in your Inbox.

One caveat about the timing about when the posts will hit your Inbox. Since I'm running now two sites, what I do each morning is copy and paste the post from Blogger into Substack. When I get to that depends upon my morning. Most of the time I re-post on Substack before 10:00 am CST. All that to say, for Substack subscribers my posts will show up in your Inbox daily, in the morning, but with a little and variable time lag from when they appear here.

And for everyone who comes directly here to the site, nothing will change.

So, for those following or who would like to follow via email, head on over to Substack and subscribe. I'll see you in you Inbox tomorrow morning!

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