A Prayer for the Irritated

As a practitioner of the Little Way of Thérèse of Lisieux (see Stranger God for that story), I've found this "Liturgy for a Fleeting Irritation" from the wonderful resource  Every Moment Holy to be very powerful:
I bring to you Lord, my momentary irritation,
that you might reveal the buried seed of it—not
in the words or actions of another person, but
in the withered and hypocritical expectations
of my own small heart. Uproot from this
impoverished soil all arrogance and insecurity that
would prompt me to dismiss or distain others,
judging them with a less generous measure than
I reckon when judging myself.
Prune away the tangled growth
of my own unjustified irritations, Jesus,
and graft to my heart instead your humility,
your compassion,
your patience,
your kindness,
That I might bear good fruit in keeping
with your grace.

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