All Saints Day: Remembering Beth

Last Wednesday we used our worship service at Freedom Fellowship to remember Miss Beth, who died a year ago last October.

We sang Miss Beth's favorite songs and we set out her prayer veil so that people could come forward to use it, dancing in the place she danced through years of worship at Freedom.

After the praise time many of us came forward to share memories of Beth. Story after story of her impact upon our lives and faith.

I came forward and shared how Beth had a relationship with Jesus that was the most romantic relationship with Jesus I'd ever seen. Beth was solidly in the mystical tradition in this regard. She loved Jesus with a romantic passion that was palpable.

A few years ago Jana and the ladies of Freedom came over to our house for a Valentine's Day party. Jana gave everyone a princess tiara to wear during the party. It was a fun party hat, but it was also very symbolic. Most of the ladies had troubled histories with men, and most were single. But on that Valentine's Day they declared themselves "Daughters of the King." Jesus was their Valentine and they claimed their royal birthright.

Beth loved that tiara and what it symbolized. When Beth was discouraged, or when she particularly felt that romantic attachment to Jesus, she'd wear that tiara to Freedom. With that tiara she would claim her identity in Jesus with a passionate ferocity. Beth dressed like the princess she knew herself to be.

It was a good night at Freedom, remembering our dear sister. Remembering her dancing in a tiara, more in love with Jesus than anyone I'd ever known.

It was a night in keeping with the church tradition we celebrate today, All Saints Day, where we share the stories of the saints who have gone on to be with Jesus.

We closed our service singing the song Becky sang over Beth the last time I saw her:
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.
O what a foretaste of glory divine.
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long;
this is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long.
Somewhere, up there with the angels, a princess is dancing with her prince.

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