Who Believe It and Live It

A powerful and famous quote by Lesslie Newbigin:
How is it possible that the gospel should be credible, that people should come to believe that the power which has the last word in human affairs is represented by a man hanging on a cross? I am suggesting that the only answer, the only hermeneutic of the gospel, is a congregation of men and women who believe it and live by it.
In a lecture this last semester I shared with my students, "I hope for the day where, when the world sees Christians coming, they say, 'The Christians are here! Yay! I love those people!"

I pray for the day when our presence is proclaimed "Good News." And this isn't just some vague aspiration, it's personal for me. Wherever I show up, I want that to be Good News, unconditionally, no matter who is in the space. And I push my church to have the same impact. This is the work, and really the only work, that should be occupying Christians and the church right now. 

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